
Art 344R | Fall 2013
Cory Crouch
TU/TH 7PM–9:30PM


Art 344R is an introduction to motion design. We will be exploring new ways to tell a story or convey a thought by combining the effects of motion and audio elements to the principles of design.


1–Become proficient in the fundamentals of After Effects
2–Be able to create effective style frames and storyboards
3–Create compelling visual communication through movement
4–Produce two portfolio worthy motion pieces


We will be using class time for demos in the Adobe After Effects software, individual and class feedback, and work time. In order to produce portfolio quality work, I will strive to give you as much time to work in class as possible. This will not only allow for more time put into your projects, but also more time spent getting and giving feedback to your peers and instructor. You will also be responsible for managing your own time spent out of class in order to be prepared for critiques and finals.


We will meet every week (except for holidays) on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 7PM to 9:30PM. For a class-by-class schedule of what we will be studying and what is due, please see the calendar on the blog:


You are required to be in class and participate in critiques. Every student is allowed two absences without penalty. Beginning at the third, each absence will result in a 5% reduction of your grade for the course. If you feel that there are extenuating circumstances beyond your control that make adherence to this policy difficult, please come talk to me in private or email me.


Your final course grade will follow the university standard:

A 100% - 94%
A- 93.9% - 90%
B+ 89.9% - 86%
B 85.9% - 83%
B- 82.9% - 80%
C+ 79.9% - 76%
C 75.9% - 73%
C- 72.9% - 70%
D+ 69.9% - 66%
D 65.9% - 63%
D- 62.9% - 60%
E 59.9% and below

For more details on how I will be grading this course please visit:


All assignments are due at the beginning of class or critique. Any work turned in after class or critique period has begun will be considered late and will not be accepted. If you feel there are unusual circumstances that need consideration you may talk to me individually, but I reserve final judgement on whether a concession should be made.

There are no required materials for this course. We will be using Adobe After Effects, which is available on the lab computers for your use. You are not required to purchase the software, though you many find it necessary to get your work done out of class. For learning resources there are many free tutorials and forums for After Effects that are available online. Remember that Google is your friend! However, if you feel you need additional help, you can also consider a subscription to

Cheating and plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate failure in the course.


Students who need accommodations because of a disability should contact the UVU Accessibility Services Department (ASD), located on the Orem Campus, in LC-312.

To schedule an appointment, or speak with a counselor, call the
ASD office at 801.863.8747. Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals,
may use the video phone number, 886.760.1819.


Consult with your academic advisor for details of deadlines and requirements to make certain all AVC degree graduation requirements are met, including the mandatory graduating student portfolio review.


This syllabus and the policies therein are subject to change upon my discretion. However, I promise I will always strive to act in the best interest of the class, and will try to be open with you about changes that are made. If you are ever unclear about anything regarding the class don’t be afraid to ask questions.


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