
All of the assignments and projects will be graded on a scale that totals 100 points for the semester. I think that makes it simple for both me and you to calculate grades. Inevitably there will be some level of subjectivity whenever grading art projects. I feel this is an important aspect of the class, however, since producing "good" art is what we are ultimately striving to do, and subjectivity is something that will persist in your career as well. However, in order to alleviate some of the complications and stress that can come to both student and instructor having to define "good art" I have structured the grading to reward the majority of points for effort instead of quality. I have high hopes for all of you that what you produce will be something you and I can both be proud of, but I hope that knowing you will pass with at least a decent grade simply by turning in your work will help you breath a little easier and focus on enjoying the course and doing your best.


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